Either or both Letra

Phoebe Snow

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Either or both" de Phoebe Snow.

Either or both lyrics

Sometimes these hands get so clumsy
that i drop things and people laugh
sometimes these hands seem so graceful
i can see them signin' autographs
What i want to know from you
when you hear my plea
do you like or love
either or both of me
do you like or love
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-either-or-both-phoebe-snow ]
either or both of me
Sometimes this face looks so funny
that i hide it behind a book
but sometimes this face has so much class
that i have to sneak a second look
Sometimes this life gets so empty
that i become afraid
then i remember you're in it
and i think i might still have it made

Phoebe Snow

Phoebe Snow

Either or both

Ver más info

Artista: Phoebe Snow
Canción: Either or both
Duración: 03:53
Vistas: 3.307
Álbum: Phoebe snow
Etiquetas: blues, blues tag, female vocalists, phoebe snow, singer-songwriter

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