Eighteen Letra

Hometown Hero

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Eighteen" de Hometown Hero.

Eighteen lyrics

You'll steal my heart, i'll count to three
youll walk away, just like on tv
you left enchanted
you'll steal my heart, i'll count to three
you'll walk away just like on tv
you left enchanted
All those things you said to me, well
made me cry myself to sleep, and
kinda think i like it, pretty sure i liked it
all those things you said to me, well
made me cry myself to sleep, and
kinda think i like it, pretty sure i liked it
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-eighteen-hometown-hero ]
You'll steal my heart, i'll count to three
you'll walk away just like on tv
you left enchanted
you left enchanted
All those things you said to me, well
made me cry myself to sleep, and
kinda think i like it, pretty sure i liked it
all those things you said to me, well
made me cry myself to sleep, and
kinda think i like it, pretty sure i liked it
You'll steal my heart, i'll count to three
you'll walk away just like on tv
you left enchanted

Hometown Hero

Hometown Hero


Ver más info

Artista: Hometown Hero
Canción: Eighteen
Duración: 04:03
Vistas: 2.033
Etiquetas: godlike

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