Eddie Letra

Deana Carter Featuring Dwight Yoakam

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Eddie" de Deana Carter Featuring Dwight Yoakam.

Eddie lyrics

Waiting for your world to turn around is less likely to be found
as i watch it moving past
than any other hope that i might hold that someday you
might know what it's like to slowly drown
waiting for your world to turn around
waiting for the the thought to cross your mind that 2 hearts might
be inclined to commit an act that's bold
or even just be looking for a chance to take advantage of
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-eddie-deana-carter-featuring-dwight-yoakam ]
one glance and live inside it one more time
waiting for the thought to cross your mind
how long will it be
'til these blind eyes can finally see
i don't know, time goes so slow
while your love, like a river, flows right by me
waiting for your world to turn around is less likely to be found
as i watch it moving past
than any other hope that i might hold that someday you
might know what it's like to slowly drown
waiting for your world to turn around


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