Echo Letra

Jason Walker

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Echo" de Jason Walker.

Echo lyrics

Hello, hello anybody out there? ‘Cause I don't hear a sound.
Alone, alone I don't really know where the world is, but I miss it now.

I’m out on the edge and I’m screaming my name like a fool at the top of my lungs.
Sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I’m all right but it’s never enough.
‘Cause my echo, echo is the only voice coming back.
My shadow, shadow is the only friend that I have.

Listen, listen I will take a whisper if that’s all you have to give.
But it isn’t, isn’t you could come and save me and try to chase it crazy right out of my head.

I’m out on the edge and I’m screaming my name like a fool at the top of my lungs.
[ De: ]
Sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I’m all right but it’s never enough.
‘Cause my echo, echo is the only voice coming back.
My shadow, shadow is the only friend that I have.

I don’t wanna be down and I just wanna feel alive and get to see your face again.
I don’t wanna be down and I just wanna feel alive and get to see your face again.
Once again just my echo, my shadow, you’re my only friend.

And I’m out on the edge and I’m screaming my name like a fool at the top of my lungs.
Sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I’m all right but it’s never enough
‘Cause my echo, echo.
Oh my shadow, shadow.
Hello, hello anybody out there…
Jason Walker
Ver más info

Artista: Jason Walker
Canción: Echo
Duración: 01:30
Vistas: 53.980
Etiquetas: depresja jesienno-zimowa, chorobowe, the vampire diaries, poruszajace niczym emo edge, delena

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