Dyslexic heart Letra

Paul Westerberg

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dyslexic heart" de Paul Westerberg.

Dyslexic heart lyrics

You shoot me glances and they`re so hard to read
i misconstrue what you mean
slip me a napkin and now that you start
is this your name or a doctor`s eye chart?
I try and comprehend you but i got a dyslexic heart
i ain`t dying to offend you, i got a dyslexic heart
Thanks for the book, now my table is ready
is this a library or bar?
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-dyslexic-heart-paul-westerberg ]
between the covers i thought you were ready
a half-angel, half-tart
Do i read you correctly, lead me directly
help me with this part
do i hate you? do i date you?
do i got a dyslexic heart?
You keep swayin`... what are you sayin`?
thinking `bout stayin`?
or are you just playing, making passes
well, my heart could use some glasses

Paul Westerberg

Paul Westerberg

Dyslexic heart

Ver más info

Artista: Paul Westerberg
Canción: Dyslexic heart
Duración: 04:27
Vistas: 96.957
Álbum: SInglés-English
Etiquetas: soundtrack, singer-songwriter, alternative, 90s, rock

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