Drunken sailor Letra

Swingle Singers

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Drunken sailor" de Swingle Singers.

Drunken sailor lyrics

Way hay
way hay
Way hay and up she rises
way hay and up she rises
way hay and up she rises
early in the morning
What should we do with a drunken sailor
what should we do with a drunken sailor
what should we do with a drunken sailor
early in the morning
Way hay (way hay)
way hay (way hay)
way hay (way hay)
early in the morning
What should we do with a drunken sailor
what should we do with a drunken sailor
what should we do with a drunken sailor
early in the morning
Put him in the scuppers with the hose pipe on him
put him in the scuppers with the hose pipe on him
put him in the scuppers with the hose pipe on him
early in the morning
Way hay
way hay
What should we do with a drunken sailor
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-drunken-sailor-swingle-singers ]
what should we do with a drunken sailor
what should we do with a drunken sailor
early in the morning
Way hay, up she rises
way hay, up she rises
way hay, up she rises
early in the morning
What should we do with a drunken sailor
what should we do with a drunken sailor
what should we do with a drunken sailor
early in the morning
Hoist him aboard with a running bowline
hoist him aboard with a running bowline
hoist him aboard with a running bowline
early in the morning
What should we do with a drunken sailor
what should we do with a drunken sailor
what should we do with a drunken sailor
early in the morning
Put him in the long boat 'til he's sober
put him in the long boat 'til he's sober
put him in the long boat 'til he's sober
early in the morning

Swingle Singers

Swingle Singers

Drunken sailor

Ver más info

Artista: Swingle Singers
Canción: Drunken sailor
Duración: 02:38
Vistas: 99

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