Drivers seat Letra

Sniff 'n' The Tears

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Drivers seat" de Sniff 'n' The Tears.

Drivers seat lyrics

Doing alright
a little jiving on a saturday night
and come what may
gonna dance the day away

Jenny was sweet
show a smile for the people she needs
i'm trouble, let's drive,
i don't know the way you came alive
News is blue (the news is blue)
has its own way to get to you
what can i do (what can i do)
when i remember my time with you
Pick up your feet
got to move to the trick of the beat
there is no lead
[ De: ]
just take your place in the driver's seat
Driver's seat, oohoo, driver's seat, yeah
Doing alright
a little jiving on a saturday night
and come what may
gonna dance the day away
Driver's seat, oohoo, driver's seat, yeah
Jenny was sweet
there is no lead
pick up your feet, pick up, pick up
pick up your feet, gonna dance the day away
Driver's seat, oohoo, driver's seat, yeah
driver's seat, oohoo, driver's seat, yeah
Sniff 'n' The Tears

Sniff 'n' The Tears

Drivers seat

Ver más info

Artista: Sniff 'n' The Tears
Canción: Drivers seat
Duración: 03:58
Vistas: 33.801
Álbum: Back to the 80's, volume 2 (disc 4)
Etiquetas: new wave, sniff n the tears, classic rock sound track boogienightsl, cruising, 80s

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