Drive Letra

Shannon Noll

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Drive" de Shannon Noll.

Drive lyrics

I've got a car
i've got a big black shiny car
maybe tonight we can go for a ride
Out on the road, out on the wide wide open road
baby lets see what we can find
lets drive
anywhere you wanna go i will take you there babe, take you there baby
let's drive
I've got a ride
i've got a smooth slick shiny ride
[ De: ]
let's open her up and let's get away
Back out by the shore
top down, seats back, lights shinning low
tonight's the night we go all the way
all the way
Everything that you wanted to find
is waiting for you here inside
let's drive
I've got a car
i've got a big black shiny car
maybe we can go for a ride
Shannon Noll

Shannon Noll


Ver más info

Artista: Shannon Noll
Canción: Drive
Duración: 03:58
Vistas: 9.773
Álbum: That's what i'm talking about
Etiquetas: rock, pop rock, uplifting, pop, australian

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