Dress to please Letra

Commander Venus

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dress to please" de Commander Venus.

Dress to please lyrics

I'll cut my heart out and leave it here on the stage
and you can come pick it up after the show
and when you find out what i really meant you let me know
I'll cut it out, cut it out, cut my heart out
and leave it here on the stage
and you can come pick it up after the show
and when you find out what you really want you let me know
I'll cut it out, cut it out, cut my heart out
with some more so-called friends
and we can meet at the house after the show
and you will smile and lie to my face, i'll never know
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-dress-to-please-commander-venus ]
I'll never know, never know it again
to fall in love you get fucked
you give in until you both give up
so give in to your next sweet young love
To fall in love you get to fuck
so who's the whore? so who's the whore?
can't count the lies
you get to fuck, so who's the whore?
so who's the whore?
you twist my words to fit the end
so what's a friend? so what's a friend?
the truth remains to get your end
so what's a friend? so what's a friend?
so what's a friend? so what's a friend?

Commander Venus

Commander Venus

Dress to please

Ver más info

Artista: Commander Venus
Canción: Dress to please
Duración: 01:48
Vistas: 25.448
Álbum: The uneventful vacation
Etiquetas: rock, lo-fi, indie rock, alternative, indie

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