Drenched in blood Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Drenched in blood" de Turbonegro.

Drenched in blood lyrics

It's a tidal wave
a tidal wave
it's a tsunami
Blood in your nose
blood in your eyes
blood in your mouth
blood in your face
blood everyday
Blood in your hair
blood everywhere
blood on the scene
blood where you've been
much more blood than you ever have seen
When you eye's all crazy
and your mind's all hazy now
drenched in blood again
when you're drowning in blood like a rat in a flood now
you're drenched in blood again
when it's raining from the sky and you know you're gonna die now
drenched in blood again
and again
Blood on your feet
blood on your meat
blood in your seat
blood in your lens
on your mercedes benz
Blood on your back
blood in your sack
blood in your crack
blood in your tracks
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-drenched-in-blood-turbonegro ]
much more blood than you could ever pay back
When your eye's all crazy
and your mind's all hazy now
drenched in blood again
when you're drowning in blood like a rat in a flood now
you're drenched in blood again
when it's raining from the sky and you know you're gonna die now
drenched in blood again
and again
You wanted blood
and now you've got it
hey, it's only natural
and now you've got it
and now you've got it
When your eye's all crazy
and your mind's all hazy now
drenched in blood again
when you're drowning in blood like a rat in a flood now
you're drenched in blood again
when it's raining from the sky and you know you're gonna die now
drenched in blood again
and again
one two, cut you
Woh woh woh woh woh,
woh woh woh woh woh,
woh woh woh woh woh,
woh woh woh woh woh.
Drenched in blood



Drenched in blood

Ver más info

Artista: Turbonegro
Canción: Drenched in blood
Vistas: 6.637
Etiquetas: death punk

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