Dreams, dreams, dreams Letra

Alternate Reality

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dreams, dreams, dreams" de Alternate Reality.

Dreams, dreams, dreams lyrics

Lord tell me
what do you do
when the person you like
don’t like you
and you sleep at night
and you dream of him
with his light blue eyes
and his flawless skin
and you wake in the morning
knowing it was all fake
then you smack your head
for heavens sake
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-dreams-dreams-dreams-alternate-reality ]
it will never happen
he will never be with you
but it’s not a sin to dream
trust me baby we all do.
then you go to school
oh my gosh there he is
i’m such a fool
i’ll always suffer this
forgotten love
forever fate
but i am still single
and looking for a date

Alternate Reality

Alternate Reality

Dreams, dreams, dreams

Ver más info

Artista: Alternate Reality
Canción: Dreams, dreams, dreams
Vistas: 112

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