Dreamer (gussies song) Letra

Dinand Woesthof

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dreamer (gussies song)" de Dinand Woesthof.

Dreamer (gussies song) lyrics

Bring in the dancers,
bring in the clowns.
bring in the magic in the air,
and i'll sing you a song.

calling all dreamers,
don't you ever wake up.
My sweetheart,
One out of a million,
became one out of three.
one out of thousands in the world,
became one heart in me.
And if you ever leave me,
i hope i'll never wake up.
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-dreamer-gussies-song-dinand-woesthof ]
my sweetheart.
Oh, oh, oh,
it's a crazy world,
everything changes but our love forever stays.
oh, oh, oh,
it's a crazy world.
So bring in the dancers,
bring in the clowns.
bring in the magic in the air,
oh won't you give me your smile.
And i'm calling you, dreamer,
don't you ever wake up.

Dinand Woesthof

Dinand Woesthof

Dreamer (gussies song)

Ver más info

Artista: Dinand Woesthof
Canción: Dreamer (gussies song)
Vistas: 88

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