Dream with me Letra

Teddy Ruxpin

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dream with me" de Teddy Ruxpin.

Dream with me lyrics

Come dream with me tonight
(dream with me tonight)
let's go to far-off places,
and search for treasures bright
Come dream with me tonight
(dream with me tonight)
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-dream-with-me-teddy-ruxpin ]
let's build a giant airship,
and sail into the sky
Let's watch the clouds go far below,
let's watch the birds as they fly by -
fly so high

coma dream with me tonight

Teddy Ruxpin

Teddy Ruxpin

Dream with me

Ver más info

Artista: Teddy Ruxpin
Canción: Dream with me
Vistas: 100

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