Dream weaver Letra

Gary Wright

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dream weaver" de Gary Wright.

Dream weaver lyrics

I've just closed my eyes again
climbed aboard the dream weaver train
driver take away my worries of today
and leave tomorrow behind

ooh dream weaver
i believe you can get me through the night
ooh dream weaver
i believe we can reach the morning light
fly me high through the starry skies
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-dream-weaver-gary-wright ]
maybe to an astral plane
cross the highways of fantasy
help me to forget todays pain
(chorus again)
Though the dawn may be coming soon
there still may be some time
fly me away to the bright side of the moon
and meet me on the other side
(chorus again, then fade out with the following
repeated several )
Dream weaver

Gary Wright

Gary Wright

Dream weaver

Ver más info

Artista: Gary Wright
Canción: Dream weaver
Duración: 03:26
Vistas: 87.948
Álbum: Best of the dream weaver
Etiquetas: 70s, classic rock, rock, soft rock, pop

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