Dream come true Letra

Frozen Ghost

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dream come true" de Frozen Ghost.

Dream come true lyrics

Love of my life, i don't have a lot to give you.
what's in my heart is all that i can really give you.
love, undying love is all i have.
a handful of words that might make you laugh.
and all the strength you could need,
to make it through all your troubled times.
i give my love, myself to you, only you,
my dream come true.
Love of my life, you are all i ever wanted.
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-dream-come-true-frozen-ghost ]
what's in your heart is all i ever really wanted.
you, you make my life a fairytale.
you've added love to a life that was so stale.
you know that i'll be here, always for you
when you need a friend
i give my love, myself to you, only you,
my dream come true.
I've been waiting my whole life for you,
now my waiting is through.
all those nights i spent dreaming i knew,
that my dream would come true.
dream come true
dream come true

Frozen Ghost

Frozen Ghost

Dream come true

Ver más info

Artista: Frozen Ghost
Canción: Dream come true
Duración: 04:16
Vistas: 3.177
Álbum: Nice place to visit
Etiquetas: rock, pop, canadian, ballad, soft rock

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