Dream butterfly Letra

St. Louie Chicks

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dream butterfly" de St. Louie Chicks.

Dream butterfly lyrics

When i'm feeling down,
when i'm feeling blue,
there's only one thing that i ca-a-an do
it's the only thing that get me higher,
it's the only thing that can lift my spirits
i'm a butterfly, flying away
i'm going higher and higher,
i'm taking myself on a dream butterfly
When i take a ride on my butterfly,
i can take my self anywhere i please
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-dream-butterfly-st-louie-chicks ]
when i get higher and my spirits are lifted,
i take myself, back down to earth
i say goodbye to my butterfly,
and walk away with my head thrown up high
it's the only thing that get me higher,
it's the only thing that lift my spirits
i'm a butterfly, flyin away
i'm going higher and higher,
i'm taking myself on a dream butterfly
I'm taking myself on a dream butterfly(x3)

St. Louie Chicks

St. Louie Chicks

Dream butterfly

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Artista: St. Louie Chicks
Canción: Dream butterfly
Vistas: 85

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