Dream a dream Letra

Charlotte Church Featuring Billy Gilman

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dream a dream" de Charlotte Church Featuring Billy Gilman.

Dream a dream lyrics

When the night is still
and the sea is calm
lonely shadow
you'll fall upon me
lay by my side
fear not tonight
lonely shadow
you'll find a new light
Dream a dream
as if though angel's eyes
a place where we can fly
glide with me
upon a shining star
above the moonlit sky
we will find
Hear the nightengale
sing a lullaby
lonely shadows
you'll find a new light
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-dream-a-dream-charlotte-church-featuring-billy-gilman ]
dawn will be kind
all will be bright
lonely shadow
rise from the darkness
Dream a dream
as if though angel's eyes
a place where we can fly
glide with me
upon a shining star
above the moonlit sky
once more
we'll dream a dream
as if though angel's eyes
a place where we can fly
we'll dream a dream
as if though angel's eyes
a place where we can fly

Charlotte Church Featuring Billy Gilman
Ver más info

Artista: Charlotte Church Featuring Billy Gilman
Canción: Dream a dream
Vistas: 146

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