Drained Letra

Michael Penn

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Drained" de Michael Penn.

Drained lyrics

[00:15]"here's the car you will be driving. radio works.
[00:22]take the 10 out. on arriving, detour other road.
[00:29]where every sign's a carved design.
[00:33]stick feather on with glue
[00:37]and run amok upon the lawn"
[00:40]the sun comes up and it just dawned on me:
[00:48]one thing's clear
[00:51]the times come when all of your love is drained
[01:03]i've seen this scene
[01:04]i'll dream this dream and have now and then
[01:10]i lose my concentration to some twister again
[01:17]and i point mute in shrunken suit like all your
[01:25]now feeling wet and most alone
[01:28]into this shelter i am thrown and found dumb?
[01:35]at least i got this one thing clear:
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-drained-michael-penn ]
[01:39]the times come when all of your love is drained
[01:54] crash on the east grapevine
[01:57] and now that the blacktop's dried up
[02:01] you'll be tied up and i'll be
[02:17]now that i've got your attention,
[02:20]a toast to the host.
[02:24]if that's a rope and wood invention
[02:27]then tie me to its post.
[02:31]there's a subject to consider
[02:35]since we both know each other too well.
[02:38]forget the plumber, call a priest
[02:42]the convicts have all been released
[02:46]and i just screwed this up
[02:49]at least i think i have
[02:54]but you left me with this one thing clear:
[02:58]the times come when all of our love is drained.
[03:09]one thing's clear
[03:13]the time comes when all of your love is drained.

Michael Penn

Michael Penn


Ver más info

Artista: Michael Penn
Canción: Drained
Duración: 03:58
Vistas: 3.967
Álbum: March
Etiquetas: a long red glare, scrubsies

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