Drain the blood Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Drain the blood" de Diatillers.

Drain the blood lyrics

I'm living on shatered faith
the kind that likes to restrict your breath
never been a better time than this
suffocate on eternal bliss
In a city
that swells with so much hate
you seem to rise above
and takes its place
the heart pumps until it dies
drain the blood the heart it's wise
All my my friends are murder
all my bones are marrows in
all these fiends want teenage meat
all my friends are murderers

I never met a pearl quite like you
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-drain-the-blood-diatillers ]
who could shimmer and rot at the same time through
there's never been a better time than this
to bite the hand of the frost bitten menace
All my friends are murder
all my bones are marrows in
all these fiends want teenage meat
all my friends are murderers

Whoa whoa whoa
I'm alive in uterine
a star in the dark a new day has dawned
open up and let it flow
i'll make it yours so here we

all my friends are murder
all my bones are marrows in
all these fiends want teenage meat
all my friends are murderers
Away hes gone



Drain the blood

Ver más info

Artista: Diatillers
Canción: Drain the blood
Vistas: 50

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