Down by the water Letra

The Drums

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Down by the water" de The Drums.

Down by the water lyrics

If you fall asleep down by the water
baby i'll carry you, all the way home (X2)

Everybody's gotta love some one
but i just wanna love you dear.
everybody's gotta feel something
but i just want to be with you, my dear.

I know it's hard
i know it's hard
i know it's hard to be in this position.

if they stop loving you
i won't stop loving you
if they stop needing you
[ De: ]
i'll still need you, my dear.

If you fall asleep down by the water
baby i'll carry you, all the way home(X2)

You've gotta believe me
when i say
when i say the word, forever.

And whatever
comes your way
oh we'll still be together.

I know it's hard
i know it's hard
but i understand you, just take my hand.

If you fall asleep down by the water
baby i'll carry you, all the way home(X2)
The Drums

The Drums

Down by the water

Ver más info

Artista: The Drums
Canción: Down by the water
Duración: 03:32
Vistas: 755.573
Álbum: The drums
Etiquetas: indie, beautiful, indie pop, surf rock, mellow

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