Dotted with hearts Letra


El tema "Dotted with hearts" interpretado por Horrorpops pertenece a su disco "Hell yeah". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dotted with hearts" de Horrorpops.

Dotted with hearts lyrics

I have lost my heart
to a boy who can't be mine
i have fallen in love, with no use
i don't know how i came to be on this cloud
thinking about your touch, makes me lost my ground
i want to be in your arms again
holding hands and never leave
All i can do is dream about you and me in never land
but all it is, is a fantasy although it's heavenly
it's a teenage dream,
all wrapped in pink and dotted with hearts
[ De: ]
I day dream of, what might and could come
but then the truth creeps up on me
and i begin to cry
i wish we never met, then it wasn't so sad
and i'd stop thinking about you
(i was walking down the beach honey
the moon is shining oh so bright
i'm looking at the stars
thinking back on our very last night
ohh baby, we will forever be apart
i should have told yo u that we were never meant to be
i knew that from the very start
i'm sorry, i really am)


Dotted with hearts

Ver más info

Artista: Horrorpops
Canción: Dotted with hearts
Duración: 03:53
Vistas: 122.105
Álbum: Hell yeah
Etiquetas: rockabilly, psychobilly, female vocalists, horror punk, punk

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