Dopesmoker Letra


La letra de la canción "Dopesmoker" interpretada por Sleep fue publicada el 2 de octubre de 2008 con su vídeo musical.

Dopesmoker lyrics

Drop out of life with bong in hand
follow the smoke to-uh the riff-filled land
drop…out of life with bong in hand
follow the smoke to-uh the riff-filled land
Solo one
proceeds the weedian – nazareth
proceeds the weedian – nazareth
Creedsmen roll out across the dying dawn
sacred israel holy mountain zion
sun beams down on to the sandsean reigns ?????
caravan migrates through deep sandscape
lungsmen unearth the creed of hasheeshian
procession of the weed-priests to cross the sands
desert legion smoke-covenant is complete
herb bails retied on to backs of beasts
arise arise arise - the son of the god of israel
jordan river flows on evermore
bathe in glow of sunlight’s beating rays
they feel so lost and burned through our days ?????
stoner caravan emerge from sandsea
earthling inserts to chalice the green cutchie
groundation soul finds trust upon smoking hose
assembled creedsmen rises prayer-filled smoke
[ De: ]
raise up sea of holy prophecy
……………………………………. now feeds ????????
seed of eden fall on…………………..????????
onward caravan prepare ??????????
Weed-priests ………………… the right ?????
judgement soon come to mankind
green herbsmen serve rightful king
hemp seed caravan carries
solo two
- break -
the broken fire flowed up to-uh zion ???????
flight of the nazarene to seek the cherry moon ?????
rides out believer with the spliff aflame
marijuanaut escapes earth to cultivate
Solo three
grow-room is church temple of the new stoner breed
chants loud-robed priest down on to the freedom seed
burnt offering redeems – completes smoked deliverance
caravans’ stoned deliverance
the caravan holds to eastern creed - now smokes believer
the chronicle of the sensimillian
Drop out of life with bong in hand
follow the smoke to-uh the riff-filled land
drop out of life with bong in hand
follow the smoke jerusalem



Octubre, 2008
134.274 vistas

Ver más info

Artista: Sleep
Canción: Dopesmoker
Duración: 03:29
Estreno: Octubre, 2008
Vistas: 134.274
Álbum: Dopesmoker
Etiquetas: stoner doom, stoner, stoner rock, doom metal, epic

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