Dopesick Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dopesick" de Systematic.

Dopesick lyrics

Enter in this black cloud.
keeps looking over his shoulder.
no method to his madness.
heavy is the world as he crashes down.
hands down this haunts you,
so dopesick, i'll remain.
hands down this haunts you
so dopesick.
More then he could bare now
[ De: ]
some thought that he would come around
screaming for his blank space
could not wire this from his face
Could never tell by
the whites of their eyes
Hands down this haunts you,
so dopesick, i'll remain.
hands down this haunts you,
so dopesick, i'll remain.



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Artista: Systematic
Canción: Dopesick
Duración: 04:08
Vistas: 4.003
Álbum: Somewhere in between
Etiquetas: alternative rock, new metal, alternative, metal

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