Doorsteps Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Doorsteps" de Lodger.

Doorsteps lyrics

Smoking cigarettes at your doorsteps, looking like i don't care
try to act younger but i'm four years older
red stripes hanging on your hair
I'm no good for you (for you)
and you know it too
Games of gain fat in your redhead flat
staring at the tv-screen
sweating cold turkey and a funny hat
most annoying show you've ever seen
I'm no good for you (for you)
and you know it too
[ De: ]
there's no limit what the next you can do
(ahahaaa ahahaa ahahaaa ahahaaa ahaahaha ahahaha ahaha)
I'm no good for you (for you)
and you know it too
Smoking cigarettes at your doorsteps
sticking here like a gum
another one aimless fight no one's got the right to turn your pink world blue
I'm no good for you (for you)
and you know it too
there's no limit what the next you can do
There's no limit what the next you can do(many times)



Ver más info

Artista: Lodger
Canción: Doorsteps
Duración: 03:46
Vistas: 56.980
Álbum: Hi-fi high lights down low
Etiquetas: alternative, finnish, indie, rock, indie rock

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