Doom Letra

Miss Angie

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Doom" de Miss Angie.

Doom lyrics

You love me
i wont see the doom
when you shout my name
blackest night i wont see
Someday you will take me away
and we'll leave them here with nothing at all
someday you will take me away
and we'll leave them here with nothing at all
[ De: ]
Fancy lights will light up my house
stars fallin' down
but i wont be around
Someday you will take me away
and we'll leave them here with nothing at all
someday you will take me away
and we'll leave them here with nothing at all
stars fallin' down, but i wont be around
Miss Angie

Miss Angie


Ver más info

Artista: Miss Angie
Canción: Doom
Duración: 02:44
Vistas: 1.416
Álbum: Triumphantine

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