Dont touch me Letra

Bettye Swann

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dont touch me" de Bettye Swann.

Dont touch me lyrics

Your hand is like a torch each time you touch me
that look in your eye pulls me apart
don't open the door to heaven if i can't come in
don't touch me if you don't love me, sweetheart
Your kiss is like a drink when i'm thirsty
and i'm thirsty for you with all my heart
don't love me then act as tho' we've never kissed
don't touch me if you don't love me, sweetheart
[ De: ]
Don't give me something that you might take away
to have you then lose you wouldn't be smart on my part
don't open the door to heaven if i can't come in
don't touch me if you don't love me, sweetheart
Don't give me something that you might take away
to have you then lose you wouldn't be smart on my part
don't open the door to heaven if i can't come in
don't touch me if you don't love me, sweetheart
Bettye Swann

Bettye Swann

Dont touch me

Ver más info

Artista: Bettye Swann
Canción: Dont touch me
Duración: 02:34
Vistas: 466
Etiquetas: soul

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