Dont think twice its alright Letra

Wonder Who

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dont think twice its alright" de Wonder Who.

Dont think twice its alright lyrics

(doo doo why babe why babe doo doo why babe why babe)
ain't no use to sit and wonder why babe (why babe why babe)
it don't matter anyhow
oh it ain't no use to sit and wonder why babe (why babe why babe)
if you don't know by now
and the rooster crows at the break of dawn
flap your wings and baby i'll be gone
(you're the reason that i'm traveling on)
((don't think twice it's alright))
ain't no use in telling all your lies babe (why babe why babe)
the like i've never known
ain't no use in telling all your lies babe (why babe why babe)
?? - this line is unintelligible, but i think it's different from
[ De: ]
"the like i've never known" - ??
and i wish there was something you could do
to try and make me change my mind and stay
(we never did too much talking anyway)
((don't think twice it's alright))
- a line of nonsense words by valli like "dip dop doodle doo" -
i'm walking down the road babe (road babe)
where i'm bound i can't tell (can't tell)
but goodbye is too good a word to say girl (why babe why babe)
so let's just say fare thee well
and you said "you treated me unkind"
could have done better but i don't mind
(you just kinda wasted my precious time)
((don't think twice it's alright))
Wonder Who

Wonder Who

Dont think twice its alright

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Artista: Wonder Who
Canción: Dont think twice its alright
Vistas: 91

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