Dont let the sun catch you crying Letra

Gerry And The Pacemakers

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dont let the sun catch you crying" de Gerry And The Pacemakers.

Dont let the sun catch you crying lyrics

[ De: ]
Don't let the sun catch you cryinggerry and the pacemakers(marsden - marsden - chadwick - maguire)don't let the sun catch you cryin'the night's the time for all your tearsyour heart may be broken tonightbut tomorrow in the morning lightdon't let the sun catch you cryin'the night-time shadows disappearand with them go all your tearsfor the morning will bring joyfor every girl and boyso don't let the sun catch you cryin'we know that cryin's not a bad thingbut stop your cryin' when the birds singit may be hard to discoverthat you've been left for anotherbut don't forget that love's a gameand it can always come againoh don't let the sun catch you cryin'don't let the sun catch you cryin', oh nooh, oh, oh
Gerry And The Pacemakers

Gerry And The Pacemakers

Dont let the sun catch you crying

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Artista: Gerry And The Pacemakers
Canción: Dont let the sun catch you crying
Duración: 02:34
Vistas: 502

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