Dont haffi dread Letra

Morgan Heritage

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dont haffi dread" de Morgan Heritage.

Dont haffi dread lyrics

yeah ya ya wo/a raggaso we ragga, yeah
you don't haffi dread to be rasta
this is not a dreadlocks thing
devine conception of the heart
Verse 1:
oh it's a life of a livity
lived by the fathers of our histoty
uphold the anciency and prophecy
trust in the powers of the trinity(yeah)
got to believe in his majesty
oh yes, his lineage and devinity
the first step is sovereignty
know one's self through royalty (yeah-yeah)
[ De: ]
don't be afraid of jah ever-burning fire
trust in jah fire and you'll never get burned
the fire that reigns over heat, air and water
no water can put out jah fire
jah fire gonna lift rasta higher
a rasta so we rasta, a ragga so we ragga, a ragga so we ragga
don't be afraid of jah ever-burning fire
trust in jah fire and you never get burned
the fire that reigns over heat, air and water
no water can put out jah fire
jah fire gonna lift rasta higher
Morgan Heritage

Morgan Heritage

Dont haffi dread

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Artista: Morgan Heritage
Canción: Dont haffi dread
Vistas: 626

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