Dont bet money honey Letra

Linda Scott

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dont bet money honey" de Linda Scott.

Dont bet money honey lyrics

(intro—french horn and mostly strings)
Don't bet money, honey, our love will last
don't bet money, honey, i know the pa-a-ast
you lied to me before and i know
you'll lie, yes you'll lie again
I told you once, i told you twice, and maybe even three times before
that our love could never be
now i was right, you know i'm right, oh baby, how you know i'm right
[ De: ]
can't you see what you're doin' to me
Don't bet money, honey, our love will last
don't bet money, honey, i know the pa-a-ast
you lied to me before and i know
you'll lie, yes, you'll lie again
Don't bet money, honey our love will last
don't bet money, honey i know the pa-a-ast
you lied to me before and i know
you'll lie, yes you'll lie, i know i'll be right
you'll lie, yes you'll lie--a-gain.
Linda Scott

Linda Scott

Dont bet money honey

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Artista: Linda Scott
Canción: Dont bet money honey
Vistas: 180

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