Donner party Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Donner party" de Alkaline.

Donner party lyrics

So it began this way, i can't recall how it got started
so it began this way,i don't recall a thing
and all in all i guess its for the better if you don't remember anything
sit and sing
there was a time when everything we did seemed second nature
there was a time when everything we did seemed free
and all in all i guess its for the better if you don't remember anything
sit and sing
And i, i wanted you to know
it was you that we were thinking of
as we quietly died in the snow
a place we'd never leave
a place we'd never want to call home
a place we'd call the final resting place in pieces
[ De: ]
So it began this way, i don't recall where we got started
and so we end this way, no trace of us in spring
all in all i guess its for the better if you just can't feel a fucking thing
fall asleep and die
I wanted you to know
it was you that we were thinking of
as we quietly died in the snow
a place we'd never leave
a place we'd never want to call home
a place we'd call the final resting place in pieces
And i, i wanted you to know
it was you that we were thinking of
as we quietly died in the snow
a place we'd never leave
a place we'd never want to call home
a place we'd call the final resting place in pieces


Donner party

Ver más info

Artista: Alkaline
Canción: Donner party
Vistas: 96

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