Don`t anybody care? Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Don`t anybody care?" de Shortey.

Don`t anybody care? lyrics

Find your heart,let me in.
love is like art,just like a bin.
why can`t i find love?don`t anybody care?
they don`t dare
I hate my life,everyone walks away.
why don`t i just get a knife and kill myself today?
no one will notice,no one will cry.
they wouldn`t even try
Find your heart,let me in.
love is like art,just like a bin.
[ De: ]
why can`t i find love?don`t anybody care?
they don`t dare
They didn`t notice.
the knife was in my hand.
then suddenly they bury me under the sand.
goodbye my friends ,i love you so.
dont be like me,and dont let any feelings grow.

find your heart,let me in.
love is like art,just like a bin.
why can`t i find love?don`t anybody care?
they don`t dare


Don`t anybody care?

Ver más info

Artista: Shortey
Canción: Don`t anybody care?
Vistas: 89

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