Don and sue Letra

The Sly Caps

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Don and sue" de The Sly Caps.

Don and sue lyrics

Hear the news about don and sue
and what she did to don
hear about these kids today
make me say what's going on
kids today, the things they do are wrong
oh well what can i do baby
It's so nice to have someone to talk to
someone who listens to me
or even if it's gossip
it makes me happy
sitting in my room i got nothin to do
on this friday night
sit on the phone and talk to you all night
sitting in my room i got nothin to do
on this friday night
[ De: ]
sit on the phone and talk to you all night long
Hear the news about don & sue
and what she did to don
i forget what i was talkin about
can you remember before i scream and shout
here we go one more time now
It's so nice to have someone to talk to
someone who listens to me
or even if it's gossip
or it makes me happy
It's so nice to have someone to talk to
someone who listens to me
or even if it's gossip
or it makes me happy
All night long [x3]
The Sly Caps

The Sly Caps

Don and sue

Ver más info

Artista: The Sly Caps
Canción: Don and sue
Duración: 03:12
Vistas: 1.699

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