Dollskin Letra

The Toadies

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dollskin" de The Toadies.

Dollskin lyrics

In the middle of a house
in the middle of nowhere
bodies glide from room to room
i hate these walls
they speak to me
hey skin like a doll you're no friend
of the family
catch that light
it falls in subtle patterns
crawls in and tells them when their time is up
and when it's over
Takes her hand
[ De: ]
and he kisses her cheek
she's a doll oh yeah she's his
spinning image
where have you gone?
your still a part of me
hey skin like a doll you're no friend
of the family
Catch that light
it falls in subtle patterns
crawls in and tells them when their time is up
and when it's over
.....where have you gone?
you're still a part of me.
The Toadies

The Toadies


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Artista: The Toadies
Canción: Dollskin
Duración: 05:44
Vistas: 546

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