Doesnt somebody wantto be wanted Letra

Partridge Family

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Doesnt somebody wantto be wanted" de Partridge Family.

Doesnt somebody wantto be wanted lyrics

I go downtown and roam all around
but every street i walk i find another dead end
i'm on my own but i'm so all alone
i need somebody so i won't have to pretend
i know there's someone just waiting somewhere
i look around for her but she's just not there
oh doesn't somebody want to be wanted like me
where are you
doesn't somebody want to be wanted like me
just like me
I'm running free but i don't want to be
[ De: ]
i couldn't take a day like yesterday
i'm dead on my feet from walking the street
i need somebody to help me find my way
i gotta get outta this town (outta this town)
before i do i'll take a last look around
Spoken: you know, i'm no different from anybody
and end each night. it gets real lonely when you're
by yourself. now where is love, and who is love. i gotta know.
Refrain (with initial "oh" replaced by "yeh") repeats until it fades
Partridge Family

Partridge Family

Doesnt somebody wantto be wanted

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Artista: Partridge Family
Canción: Doesnt somebody wantto be wanted
Vistas: 91

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