Does it need to be? Letra

Claira Jade

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Does it need to be?" de Claira Jade.

Does it need to be? lyrics

if you didn't know, my full name is claira jade moncea'. it used to be claira jade morrison', but my sisters and i decided we wanted out original fathers name.
If you want to know:
name: claira jade moncea'
birthday: december 25th (ironic, ain't it?)
age: 15
planetary goddess: jupiter (for strength)
zodiac sign: capricorn
favorite color: rainbow
best subjects: literature & world history
worst subject: math
hair color: raven (black)
hair style: perfectly curly
eye color: emerald
[ De: ]
siblings: casey (19) and anna maria (7)
hopes to be: a singer. (who doesn't)
wishes to: taste, touch, feel, laugh at, cry at, hate, ride, fall off, bathe in, experience, climb, kiss, listen to, and do everything just live
favorite movie: i still know what you did last summer
movie i hate most: the blair witch project
favorite bands:no doubt, silver chair, papa roach,
, red hot chili peppers, and incubus
favorite singer: beck
favorite groups: destinys child
idle: gwen stefani
I try to be who i can, anyway i can. i believe that without expression there is no us.
Claira Jade

Claira Jade

Does it need to be?

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Artista: Claira Jade
Canción: Does it need to be?
Vistas: 88

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