Doctor lawyer indian chief Letra

Les Brown

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Doctor lawyer indian chief lyrics

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Doctor, lawyer, indian chiefbetty huttonwords by paul francis webstermusic by hoagy carmichaelpeaked at # 1 in 1946competing version charted by les brown (#6) and hoagy carmichael (#18)sung by hutton in the film "stork club", also starring barry fitzgerald, don defore, andy russell and robert benchleythere's a doctor livin' in your townthere's a lawyer and an indian, tooand neither doctor, lawyer nor injun chiefcould love you any more than i dothere's a barrel of fish in the oceanthere's a lot of little birds in the blueand 'neither fish nor fowl" says the wise old owlcould love you any more than i do no no no it couldn't be true that anyone else could love you like i do i'm gonna warn all the dead-eyed dicks that you're the chick with the slickest tricks and every tick of my ticker ticks for you, follow throughtell the doc to stick to his practicetell the lawyer to settle his casesend the injun chief and his tommy-hawkback to little rain-in-the-face'cause you know know know it couldn't be true that anyone else could love you like i do<very brief instrumental break> (no no no it couldn't be true) (that anyone else could love you like i do) and, confidentially, i confess i sent a note to the local press that i'll be changin' my home address for you, follow throughtell the doc to stick to his practicetell the lawyer to settle his casesend the injun chief and his tommy-hawkback to little rain-in-the-face'cause you know know know it couldn't be true that anyone else could love you like i do no no no it couldn't be true that anyone else could love you like i do i'm gonna send a hot communeek to warn the boys down at cripple creek that every dimple on your dimpled cheek is mine, so to speaktell the (doc) to stick to his practicetell the (lawyer) to settle his casesend the (injun chief) and his tommy-hawkback to little rain-in-the-face (woo-woo-woo, woo-woo-woo)'cause you know know know it couldn't be true that anyone else could love you like i do(like i do)(like i do)<fade>(like i do)<louder>like i dotranscriber's notes communeek is an intentional mispronunciation of the word "communique". also,a "dick" was slang for a detective or private eye. per the dictionary, "dead-eye" means an expert marksman. a dead-eyed dick (or possibly "dead-eye dick") in the context of the songrefers to someone "aiming at" or "with his sights on" like the doctor, lawyer, etc., bettysays that they can all just go peddle their papers elsewhere
Les Brown

Les Brown

Doctor lawyer indian chief

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Artista: Les Brown
Canción: Doctor lawyer indian chief
Vistas: 84

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