Do you know Letra

Toby Mac

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Do you know" de Toby Mac.

Do you know lyrics

This goes out to my man his name is true blue
for all the nights that your daddy spent away from you
for all the days that i told you "maybe next time"
laid up in the studio consumed with my next rhyme
What kind of lyric can i drop to make you think twice
about the trials that you're gonna face in this life
i can lullaby even point you to the most high
prayin' every little thing is gonna be all right
someday my love isn't gonna be fulfilling
try as i may, human love it hits a ceiling
but i can sow the seeds, say a prayer, this i know
if faith can move a mountain
surely god can make his spirit grow in you
Do you know where you're going to
do you like the things that life is showing you
where are you going to
do you know
This goes out to my little man t mac
[ De: ]
for all the junk you've been carrying on your back
my burden's easy and my yoke is a featherweight
and this you know yet you're still a man of little faith
what can i do to spring your knowledge into how you roll
don't you have the spirit and the letters that my people wrote
my love stretches farther than your mind can conceive
i've got a hand full of grace, a heart full of mercy
someday my son, your gonna find my love fulfilling
hope as i may, you've got to turn in when you're willing
i'll take you as you are and just to add a human touch
i gave to you a son so you can understand the father's love for you
God will light your path if you want him to
just emphasize his lead and your dreams will come true
from the father to the son to the multitudes
he's the lover of you soul, spiritual, baby do you know
Toby Mac

Toby Mac

Do you know

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Artista: Toby Mac
Canción: Do you know
Vistas: 559

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