Do the freddie Letra

Freddie & The Dreamers

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Do the freddie" de Freddie & The Dreamers.

Do the freddie lyrics

Hear the happy feet dancing to the beat of the freddie (freddie)
put a guy in front make a line in back then you're ready (ready)

kick your feet up swing your arms up too
move your head both ways like you see me do
then jump three feet to the swinging beat
do the freddie (freddie) do the freddie (freddie)
[ De: ]
It's an easy dance give yourself a chance
dance the freddie (freddie)
it's the thing to do kids will envy you
so do the freddie (freddie) [high pitched maniacial laughter follows)
[repeat chorus] wow [screamed]
[instrumental break here] [repeat chorus after break]
Dance the freddie dance the freddie [repeated to fade out]
Taken from the 45
Freddie & The Dreamers

Freddie & The Dreamers

Do the freddie

Ver más info

Artista: Freddie & The Dreamers
Canción: Do the freddie
Duración: 01:59
Vistas: 84

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