Dizzy Letra

Grace Miller

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dizzy" de Grace Miller.

Dizzy lyrics

My life has changed forever
in unexpected ways
everything i've come to treasure
is beggining to melt away
my life, my hopes, my dreams
are turning
to soggy meat
i thought my life would go forever
and my love could not be beat
but that's what i get for thinking
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-dizzy-grace-miller ]
I'm getting dizzy
from running round
in circles doing as
everbody else pleases
Chasing my life
that keeps escaping
but maybe
I will find
i know i can hold on
but i'm
not feeling so strong
isn't that what friends are for?
So hold me
Chorus x 2

Grace Miller

Grace Miller


Ver más info

Artista: Grace Miller
Canción: Dizzy
Vistas: 85

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