Distant shores Letra

Chad & Jeremy

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Distant shores" de Chad & Jeremy.

Distant shores lyrics

Sweet, soft summer nights
dancing shadows in the starry light
you came for me to follow
and we kissed on distant shores
long, quiet hours of play
sounds of tomorrow from yesterday
love came for me to follow
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-distant-shores-chad-jeremy ]
and we kissed on distant shores
the careful glance of children playing
raindrops fall as if they're saying
quiet thoughts of you caressed by time
the breeze of summer's gone
distant memories as nights grow long
you came for me to follow
and we kissed on distant shores

Chad & Jeremy

Chad & Jeremy

Distant shores

Ver más info

Artista: Chad & Jeremy
Canción: Distant shores
Duración: 04:15
Vistas: 98

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