Distance Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Distance" de Savant.

Distance lyrics

She has a shroud of mystery and moves with airs and graces
it looks like heaven touched her face
and when i walk beside her i keep myself inside
She says show me all your human nature,
just how deep it goes
and when you've been let down it lasts forever,
everybody knows, knows
There is a way about her that tells me where i need to go
and all she asks of me is to let her know
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-distance-savant ]
She says show me all your human nature,
just how deep it goes
and when you've been let down it last forever,
everybody knows, knows
I wish that i could see, i wish that i could see
I will show you all my human nature
just how deep it goes
but when you've been let down it lasts forever
and everybody knows
Show you all my human nature
just how deep it goes
but when you've been let down it lasts forever
and everybody knows




Ver más info

Artista: Savant
Canción: Distance
Duración: 04:36
Vistas: 516
Álbum: Nothing sacred

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