Dissonance Letra

Legendary Pink Dots

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dissonance" de Legendary Pink Dots.

Dissonance lyrics

Driving the pack, from the rear, with a trumpet, with an axe. driving to the
precipice, windswept and wet with starving neglect. eternally carving my cause
on a landscape that's blighted and scorched. i'm blighted and scorched with the
truth, we don't listen, we shoot, from the blindside. it's a landslide, but in
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-dissonance-legendary-pink-dots ]
hindsight, i thought it was easier. but it's all much too late to turn back, i
must face an eternally fateless way in a place where my orders echo my torturous
ghosts. in a space with no windows, i'm counting the touch. all this time to
reflect on my crimes to humanity. i'm screaming profanities, just give me a
chance to start over again. i confess, yes, i'll do it again.

Legendary Pink Dots

Legendary Pink Dots


Ver más info

Artista: Legendary Pink Dots
Canción: Dissonance
Duración: 05:36
Vistas: 769

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