Disintegrate Letra


El tema "Disintegrate" interpretado por Abercrombie pertenece a su disco "Comeback kids". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Disintegrate" de Abercrombie.

Disintegrate lyrics

We segregate, assimilate
assassinate and exterminate
accumulate the toxic waste
evacuate and fabricate
living in this catapult with ropes so frayed and weak
investigate, interrogate
the candidates and their watergates and all
they legislate and orchestrate
and designate just who will take the fall
looking through this goldfish bowl, no one sees the leaks
think i'm gonna
disintegrate in all this hate and ignorance
disintegrate, it's getting late for the broken man
might as well disintegrate, what a fate i don't understand
the 20th century plan
the model playmate, alledged dream date
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-disintegrate-abercrombie ]
she emasculates me by saying hello
she's underweight, didn't graduate but
i have to take the bait like i've always been told
modern love does not exist
we're actors playing parts
and starting to

We better phone in a prayer to the gods
a hundred dollars can get you salvation but
we're gonna need to buy some bullet-proof souls
for world domination percolates some
they'll detontate and devastate, no one escapes
asphyxiation, instant cremation
it's a stalemate or obliteration
we'll finally get that cleaner slate
with time to long as we

I really think i'm gonna




Ver más info

Artista: Abercrombie
Canción: Disintegrate
Vistas: 507
Álbum: Comeback kids

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