Disco inferno Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Disco inferno" de Trammps.

Disco inferno lyrics

(burn baby burn)
(burn baby burn)
(burn baby burn)
(burn baby burn)
To my surprise, one hundred storeys high
people getting loose y'all, getting down on the roof
folks are screaming, out of control
it was so entertaining when the boogie started to explode
i heard somebody say
(burn baby burn) disco inferno
(burn baby burn) burn that mother down
(burn baby burn) disco inferno
(burn baby burn) burn that mother down
Satisfaction came in a chain reaction
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-disco-inferno-trammps ]
i couldn't get enough, so i had to self-destruct
the heat was on, rising to the top
everybody is going strong, and that is when my spark got hot
i heard somebody say
(burn baby burn) disco inferno
(burn baby burn) burn that mother down
(burn baby burn) disco inferno
(burn baby burn) burn that mother down
Up above my head
i hear music in the air
that makes me know
there's a party somewhere
(just can't stop) when my spark gets hot
(just can't stop) when my spark gets hot



Disco inferno

Ver más info

Artista: Trammps
Canción: Disco inferno
Duración: 03:12
Vistas: 15.325
Álbum: Discofieber hits vol. 1
Etiquetas: the trammps

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