Disappointed Letra


La letra de la canción "Disappointed" interpretada por Electronic fue publicada el 10 de junio de 2010 con su vídeo musical.

Disappointed lyrics

Now, my head is spinning
at the back of my mind, i think i'm winning
i was somebody falling for one who was not
somebody tired of dreaming
now its already dawning that this time i've got
someone who won't leave me
Disappointed, once more
disillusioned, encore
i think i love you, for sure
so you're not disappointing at all
Disenchanted, once more
disillusioned, encore
i think i love you, for sure
so you're not disappointing at all
Listen, as you call my name
just one syllable said, then spoken once again
from the sound of your voice, the promise you make
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-disappointed-electronic ]
you're somebody i can believe in
someone who won't leave me
Disappointed, once more
disillusioned, encore
i think i love you, for sure
so you're not disappointing at all
Disenchanted, once more
disillusioned, encore
i think i love you, for sure
so you're not disappointing at all
At the back of my head, i believe what you said

Disappointed, once more
disillusioned, encore
i think i love you, for sure
so you're not disappointing at all
Disenchanted, once more
disillusioned, encore
i think i love you, for sure
so you're not disappointing at all




Junio, 2010
59.936 vistas

Ver más info

Artista: Electronic
Canción: Disappointed
Duración: 05:41
Estreno: Junio, 2010
Vistas: 59.936
Álbum: For you
Etiquetas: synthpop, 80s, pop, dance, electronic

Todas las letras de canciones son propiedad de sus respectivos autores y están disponibles en Dicelacancion.com con carácter meramente educativo o informativo. No tenemos música para descargar gratis en mp3. Te ofrecemos lyrics, traducción, información y vídeo musical para escuchar el tema.

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