Disagree Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Disagree" de Crumbs.

Disagree lyrics

Big world says he wants
to see the light for once
well maybe if you try
it's so sad babe don't look so sad
i've got it wrong today
And if she doesn't go your way
look up to blue skies and say hey
it's okay,
it's okay
Big world says he wants
to see the light for once
well maybe if you try
it's so sad babe don't look so sad
i've got it wrong today
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-disagree-crumbs ]
And if she doesn't go your way
look up to blue skies and say hey
it's okay,
it's okay
Big world says he wants
to see the light for once
well maybe if you try
it's so sad babe don't look so sad
i've got it wrong today
I've been wrong today
i've been wrong always
i've been wrong
so won't you come my way
i was wrong today




Ver más info

Artista: Crumbs
Canción: Disagree
Duración: 04:27
Vistas: 137

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