Dirty water Letra

The Standells

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dirty water" de The Standells.

Dirty water lyrics

i'm gonna tell you a story
i'm gonna tell you about my town
i'm gonna tell you a big bad story, baby
aww, it's all about my town
yeah, down by the river
down by the banks of the river charles (aw, that's what's happenin' baby)
that's where you'll find me
along with lovers, fuggers, and thieves (aw, but they're cool people)
well i love that dirty water
oh, boston, you're my home (oh, you're the number one place)
frustrated women (i mean they're frustrated)
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-dirty-water-the-standells ]
have to be in by twelve o'clock (oh, that's a shame)
but i'm wishin' and a-hopin, oh
that just once those doors weren't locked (i like to save time for
my baby to walk around)
well i love that dirty water
oh, boston, you're my home (oh, yeah)
because i love that dirty water
oh, oh, boston, you're my home (oh, yeah)
well, i love that dirty water (i love it, baby)
i love that dirty water (i love baw-stun)
i love that dirty water (have you heard about the strangler?)
i love that dirty water (i'm the man, i'm the man)
i love that dirty water (owww)
i love that dirty water (come on, come on)

The Standells

The Standells

Dirty water

Ver más info

Artista: The Standells
Canción: Dirty water
Duración: 02:47
Vistas: 93.516
Álbum: The best of the standells
Etiquetas: 1960s, rock n roll, garage, faith the vampire slayer, oldies

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