Dirty sunshine Letra


El tema "Dirty sunshine" interpretado por Lillix pertenece a su disco "Falling uphill". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dirty sunshine" de Lillix.

Dirty sunshine lyrics

Nah nah nah
Dirty black clothes
a spider criping up the wall
moldy pizza
sits were i left it on the floor
What that breeze upon my face
how did human make light
You hit me
it all turns to sunshine
dirty sunshine
you walked in
it all turns to sunshine
dirty sunshine
i slamed the door
and it shut the blends
dirty sunshine
I feel like shit now
but i dont mind
cuz its that time again
im in my sweat pants
and im a mess
dont want to let you in
cuz sweetness give me cavaties
your all i dont want to
You hit me
it all turns to sunshine
dirty sunshine
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-dirty-sunshine-lillix ]
you walked in
it all turns to sunshine
dirty sunshine
i slamed the door
and it shut the blends
dirty sunshine
I dont wanna run in
your merryy go round
stop picking me up
when i want to be down
smash my nails on the floor
and im not ganna say
whats that breeze upon my face
how did you made it
you walked in and it all shines bright
You walked in
it all turns to sunshine
dirty sunshine
you hit me
it all turns to sunshine
dirty sunshine
i slamed the door
and it shut the blends
dirty sunshine
You walked in and it all turns bright
dirty sunshine



Dirty sunshine

Ver más info

Artista: Lillix
Canción: Dirty sunshine
Duración: 03:17
Vistas: 19.757
Álbum: Falling uphill
Etiquetas: female vocalist, canadian, female vocalists, pop, rock

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