Dirty lion Letra

The Start

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dirty lion" de The Start.

Dirty lion lyrics

You were speaking in tongues
was it your god speaking?

were you coming undone?
was it nature
that showed you that

colours all you see
your desire
the only thing you seek

you say you're coming undone
and you've still got
a bad taste in your mouth

from the conversation
with the snake that
has left you reeling

and you learned how to crawl
like a real man
now you're like the rest

on your knees
i'll show you that
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-dirty-lion-the-start ]

colours all you see
your desire
is everything

colours all you see
your desire
the only thing you seek

now you're writhing around
in your own mess
cos you lie down with the snakes
naked and so shamed
before god

but still you're speaking in tongues
and your god says:

colours only you see
your desire
is everything

colours only you see
your desire
the only thing you see

The Start

The Start

Dirty lion

Ver más info

Artista: The Start
Canción: Dirty lion
Duración: 03:32
Vistas: 1.181
Álbum: Shakedown
Etiquetas: female vocalists

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